Our Seal Coating Process

We start every project with cleaning the surgace with our high output blowers, brooms and crack grouters to ensure proper inhesion of our materials for a long lasting result because preparation of you asphalt surface is key.

Properly maintaining your asphalt can extend the life of it by 300% which means a parking lot, driveway, or farm road that would normally last 6 to 10 years when properly maintained can last a life time. Call today and speak to one of our friendly associates about getting a customized estimate specifically for your project.

Why Sealcoating Asphalt Is A Smart Way To Protect What Is Likely The Biggest Investment On Your Property!

Asphalt begins to deteriorate soon after pavement installation. Oxidation and decomposition under the sun's rays is a pavements worst enemy. In addition; oils, salts and chemicals will accelerate the deterioration of the pavement. 

Pavement will begin to lose its flexibility due to the breakdown of the asphalt binders. Surface cracks begin to appear, increasing in size and number and deterioration begins to work its way down into the pavement foundation. 

Water can now more easily penetrate beyond the hairline cracks that have been forming. Seasonal freeze thaw cycles expand and contract water trapped in the pavement. This expanding and contracting begins to tear apart the pavement itself. 

The surface now becomes rough and brittle, water continues to work into the foundation. Now the subbase structure that the asphalt layer is resting on is being damaged. The process of deterioration will begin to speed up at this stage.  

The asphalt surface is now too far gone to repair. Cracks have let to broken bits and chunks as the surface layers come completely apart. Large potholes form that can damage vehicles and cause safety issues on your property.  

A properly sealcoated asphalt pavement can extend the life of that pavement by as much as 300%. The cist if sealcoating is truly a minor expense compared to the cost of pavement replacement.

Sealcoating acts a shield, protecting against weathering effects and oxidation caused by the suns UV rays. Sealcoating also acts as a barrier and protects against gasoline, oil drippings, grease and de-icing salts.

Life cycle cost analysis studies have established that unprotected pavements will likely cost a property owner as much as five times more compared to a pavement that has been protected with a regular maintenance program.

Properly maintained asphalt surfaces provide the property owner with the best visual first impression, lower costs for cleaning, higher traffic marking visibility, and ultimately a safer overall environment on that property.